
Courage. So few people talk about how quiet it is. The word sounds so loud. Like the roar of a lion or the thunderous clapping of a waterfall. But courage, I’ve found, is quiet. And it starts out small. Like a single stilled moment in a whirlwind of thoughts. Or single statement uttered into the […]

New Year 2024

New years has always been one of my favorite celebrations. At times even the most significant marker of my entire year. I think because it’s always been a time of rebalancing for me. Even as a child who didn’t yet understand what I was up to. A time when the recollections of past lessons naturally […]

A box of junk

One of the hardest things I ever did should have been the easiest.  At least it seems like it should have been.  One of the hardest things I’ve ever done is let go.  See, for years I had been carrying something so heavy, so cumbersome and awkward, that all I wanted to do was lay it down […]


Sometimes I just have to disappear. I don’t mean ethereally, like in meditation or by consuming art, though I need that regularly too. I mean physically disappear. Sometimes I need to lose myself so completely that I’m lost to others as well. I have to shut off my phone, forget the world, and lose my […]

The Misfits

I’ve never really fit into any group that well. Maybe that’s part unhealed trauma, part innate oddness, and part superpower. My seat has always been with the misfits. That’s where I belong. With the loners and the rebels, the broken and awkward and divergent ones. With the people who couldn’t fit the box if they […]


You see, it was never about arriving. It has always been about the journey. It’s about how many times you fall into a hole and you dig your way back out of it. Wiser. Stronger. Lighter. Brighter. You’re never going to reach some final destination, because it’s always been right here. Here, in the midst […]

I See You

No longer do I need to go somewhere remote and alone to find you. I find you here. Within me. Surrounding me. The breath before my breath. The sight before my sight. I find you in the innermost parts of me, waiting patiently for my mind to see. No longer must I gaze upon a […]

Here We Are

There you are, my love, did I but for a moment let my gaze slip away? Your presence soothes me through a birds innocent morning song, and in leaf shaped sunlight dancing upon the walls. Your beauty astounds me, glimmering in dew covered petals and streaked across these pastel skies. Your hope courses through me […]