In the Morning

Just me and God, in the early morning hours. We drift among stars dusting a sky of the darkest blue, with a tinge of turquoise spilling in at its edges. Like my soul, it too is changing with the rising light. Just me and God, alone and together. She moves me, standing still at the inky water’s edge; and we converse without words, just like the ripples I watch sail across its surface. We find meaning in every leaf and flower, but their strict definitions drip away just like the dew resting on a single ivory petal. Expectations are pale branches against the dark backdrop of sky; beautiful and exciting for a moment; but when searching the heavens for answers, their rigidity just gets in the way. Just me and God. Alone and together in the rising wind and among the insects singing their goodbyes to the night. In a voiceless whisper, She reminds me. Just like this dark turquoise rimmed sky, I need only be still and welcome the rebirth of the light.

©️ 2024 Cristen Writes


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